Thanks so much for following the link to the website.

We hope you’re getting on OK at home during the COVID lockdown.

This webpage is all about how to do a sputum induction procedure at home. This will hopefully enable you to produce a sputum sample from deep in the lungs, which we know is much better than a cough swab.

We sometimes do sputum induction procedures in clinic with CF patients. You are more than likely to have had one in the past, especially if you were part of our clinical trial, CF-SpIT (CF Sputum Induction trial). Incidentally, the trial has been published now and has influenced many other centres across the world to start doing routine sputum induction as well. You can read the paper yourself here.

Given we can’t see you face to face so often in clinic, we want to see whether you can do your own sputum induction at home. We’ve sent you instructions and a sample pot (and a spare) in the post.

The procedure is very similar to your own morning physiotherapy session. It involves doing your hypertonic saline and physiotherapy session, and whenever you feel a tickle of loose secretions try to get it out. You should

ROSE shows us how 

Below is a video that Rose has made for us. Its brilliant and it shows her doing her normal physiotherapy in the morning and getting a sputum sample out. As part of her physiotherapy regime, she uses a mixture of hypertonic saline, aerobika, PEP, exercise and then huffing, coughing, clearing and spitting. Your home physiotherapy regime will be slightly different from Rose’s. Everyone’s is slightly different. You should do your normal physiotherapy session but remember, every time you feel a tickle or rattle

Here is Rose doing her fantastic sputum induction procedure at home



We’ve sent you a mini-poster with all the instructions you need in the post. Here is a copy of it just in case

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Dr Forton and the team on 07970766666. Good Luck !